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    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    Definitive reader comment on Berry's blog

    As some of you may note, I re-posted my Obama blog (from my campaign days last year and my trip to Denver) to this blog.

    Below are comments from readers at that time. The first, is a good friend of mine, the "other" Michelle Berry who lives in the Binghamton area. And the next, is from Ed Kieta, who was working with the Democratics and saved my life by letting me hop on his Triumph so I could get to the Convention Center on time. Whew. Thanks, Michelle, thanks, Ed. Keep reading!

    By Michelle from Johnson City, NY Aug 26th 2008 at 10:01 am EDT (Updated Aug 26th 2008 at 10:01 am EDT)
    Reading your blog about trying to get to the convention floor to hear Michelle Obama sounded like one of those dreams you have where you are trying to get somewhere to take a test or have a job interview, but no matter how hard you try you can't get there! (And usually my dreams of trying to get somewhere include me being naked in public.) So while that represents a bad dream, what Michelle O did last night was take one step closer to making a dream come true for all African Americans, a Black President of the USA! That dream has also been one of seemingly never going to get there. The road has been long and hard. So of course you HAD to be in the convention center. I'm so glad you made it. I too was happy to see all the MICHELLE signs with the proper two LL spelling! I watched her speech and was blown away. She did a terrific job. I was not pleased with the talking heads afterwards who were critical. So I was happy to read about the reaction of those at the convention center. I shared their feelings watching from the comfort of my own home. IF the Obama's do not represent the American dream I don't who does. The Ying to your Yang, the other Michelle Berry
    Re: So many dreams Report to Admin
    By Michelle Berry Aug 26th 2008 at 2:11 pm EDT (Updated Aug 26th 2008 at 2:11 pm EDT)
    Hello to the Other Michelle Berry! How's Johnson City treating you? Well, it's a season of Michelle's with 2L', me, Michelle Paterson, Michelle Obama! Go Michelle's. Thanks for writing. It was so heartwarming to hear from you my friend. I hope all is well back home. Let's seriously pitch the Press & Sun to do a story on us, it's an interesting one...sharing a name, originally supporting different candidates, husbands with the same name...etc. I sat with Barbara Fiala and Mike Najarian at breakfast today. Take good care of you and love to the family, the Other Michelle Berry live from Denver

    Motorcycle Guy Report to Admin
    By Ed from Denver, CO Sep 10th 2008 at 3:33 pm EDT (Updated Sep 10th 2008 at 3:33 pm EDT)
    Hi, Michelle! Ed Kieta here ... I just had one of my buddies from Chicago email me your blog! I'm glad that I bumped into you in Denver and was able to help out. I now have a great story to tell - I gave a delegate a ride on the back of my Triumph! It was a pleasure meeting you and thanks for the fun memory!!

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